In The Press: Building a Successful Credit Control Team

Building an efficient and effective credit control team is rarely straightforward in business. How big should it be? Where can I find the best people? Do I even need one?

Recognising this our Managing Director, Alex Hilton-Baird, wrote an in-depth article for Credit Control and Asset Risk Review in 2017 that assesses the key considerations for businesses when building a credit control department and explores the different options which exist. We hope you find it interesting.

Read the article here

As an award-winning and experienced debt collection agency, we can help businesses to get paid faster by providing a fully outsourced and confidential credit control service, or alternatively recover any aged or disputed debts which are proving too tricky and time-consuming to collect.

Call our team on 0800 9774848 or request a call back using the form below to find out more about the value we can add to your business.

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