0800 9774848

Credit Control & Debt Collection

Our service to asset based lenders and insolvency firms

The ongoing problems with late payment are creating significant challenges for both asset based lenders and Insolvency Practitioners, which is why we offer specialist credit control and debt recovery support to both markets.

For asset based lenders, we can recover your clients’ aged and disputed debt, provide an interim credit control solution to improve performance, or alternatively perform the collections function of any factoring arrangement should you require dedicated resource and expertise to maximise performance.

And for Insolvency Practitioners concerned about the future prospects of a business, our debt recovery and credit control services can be vital in a turnaround situation, keeping cash flowing and maximising the returns for creditors.

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Why choose Hilton-Baird

Having provided a wide range of debt collection and credit control solutions to asset based lenders, Insolvency Practitioners and businesses since 2001, we understand the nuances and complications of recovering debts in almost every situation. Most of all, we know how important it is for asset based lenders and IPs to be able to rely on a debt collection agency they can trust.

Authorised by the FCA and award-winning, our team are experts in all forms of credit management and are proven to add value to clients’ processes.

To find out more about our team and how they can help, please call 023 8070 6981 or email cs@hiltonbaird.co.uk.

“Hilton-Baird have far exceeded our expectations for debtor recoveries.”

Andrew Tate, Partner Head of Restructuring, Kreston Reeves

Just some of our clients

  • Close Brothers Invoice Finance
  • Kreston Reeves
  • SER Contractor
  • Kroll
  • Leumi ABL
  • Harrisons Business Recovery
  • Barclays
  • NatWest
  • BNP Paribas
  • Custom Glass
  • Mazars
  • Wote Street People
  • FRP Advisory
  • Eazipay
  • Construction Recruitment Services
  • Leonard Curtis
  • Midland Rock
  • Quantuma
  • PNC Business Credit
  • Wupwoo

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority